Monday, March 17, 2014

A little insight into my soul...BE WARNED!!!

My mind has been tormenting me about starting a blog for about a year now.  To be honest, I’m not even sure why.  I’m not a “groupie” so I kind of avoid all the popular people or the latest Christian band- wagons.   Don’t get me wrong, I’m KNOW there are many great blogs out there and many godly people that are definitely worth following.   I just honestly don’t have the time or energy to read them consistently.  Am I alone in this?  Well, I guess so if you’re reading mine.  Ha!

So, here I am.  I’m going to take a little leap and see where God takes this in my life.  The weird reality is that I’m not too concerned if people don’t read my thoughts.   I’ve come to this peace in my heart that I just need a place to let some of my crazy thoughts out on “paper.”

For my first post, I will just share some little facts about me…how self-centered right? 

I’m a Jesus follower-I love Him and He’s the absolute most important thing in my life

I was a Pastor’s Kid

I grew up as the 5th of 6 kids and was home-schooled for 11 years.  My favorite thing growing up was when people would say, “Wow, I totally didn't guess you were home-schooled!  You’re so normal!”  Isn't that the coolest compliment??  Here’s another fun one, “That’s great you’re home-schooled, but what about your SOCIAL LIFE?!”  I’m sorry ma’am, I’m only 7, what is a “social life?”  Ha ha!  If you know me at all, socialization isn't really a weakness of mine.

I received my BA from the Moody Bible Institute where I met the most amazing man to walk the face of this earth.  He is seriously so patient with me and loves me more than I ever imagined I could be loved.  We've been married for just about 14 wild years.  Wow, I’m getting old.

We have two stinking cool kiddo’s.  Our daughter is 9, going on raging-hormones 13, and our 7 year old son still wishes I could change his diaper and give him a bottle.  Just kidding…he is seriously one of the kindest little boys I've ever met.  He kisses me on the cheek every night and tells me how great I am and that He wants to be a “faithful follower of Jesus”…what more could a mama want? 

My parents divorced when I was 22 and I’m still recovering from that…not sure I ever will this side of heaven

We lived in Dallas for 2 years and attended Dallas Theological Seminary where we learned how much we didn't know...a very valuable lesson to learn.

I work full time as a Marketing/Sales Director for our amazing family wedding venue in North Carolina.  Check us out: I absolutely love what I do.  BUT, I often feel guilty that I like my job…Christian circles tend to makes us women, especially pastor’s wives, feel bad about working.  Why is that?

I've been a pastor’s wife for 12 years.  We spent almost 10 years in youth ministry, and associate roles and then for the past 2 years my husband has been a lead pastor in a small church in Orlando.

I love evangelism

I love people

I love biblical counseling

I ache for people when they ache.  Major confession: sometimes I care more about people’s issues than they even do.  Big no, no!!  Lesson learned…I hope.

I get really mad at stupid people

I’m impatient with self-centered people

I show my emotions… unapologetically (is that a word?)

I crave authentic relationships

I hate being misunderstood…who doesn't, right?

I am sick and tired of CONSUMER CHURCH...oh shoot, I just barfed in my mouth.

I don’t hate gay people, non-Christians, divorced people, tatted up people, pierced people, or even the people that have tried to destroy my family and life…more on that in future posts.

I struggle with dissatisfaction…I’m never okay with status quo and hate the idea of coasting in life

I’m too serious sometimes and too silly other times…I’m 35 but still feel 21 in my head…does that feeling ever go away?

I have a HUGE, I mean, HUGE passion for knowing who I am in Christ and embracing that knowledge fully

My personal opinion is that authenticity is one of the rarest and most precious gifts in a relationship

I have a couple people in my life I’m struggling to forgive…how’s that for authentic?

I want to make a difference in this world, and sometimes struggle that I’m not “doing enough for God.” 

Oh, and one more really important tidbit about me…I often punch my husband when he’s sleeping.  He’s snoring next to me right now, but it’s 2:46am and I guess I can’t blame him. 

More to come soon.

Digging Deeper,



  1. It's 3:11 and I just punched my husband. :) loving all you share!
